Inliners International
Posted By: Joe K testing a head - 01/05/07 11:50 PM
A month or so ago, there was a string of messages about mag particle testing and pressure testing etc. I had a head, I'd had mag'd and felt pretty good about it. Today a "new" guy at a machine shop punched three holes from intake ports to the water jacket while he was installing guides. Turns out how it'd been tested didn't make a dam bit of difference.

Hope you all have better luck for 2007 than I am so far.
Posted By: G10-250 Re: testing a head - 01/06/07 01:31 AM
Wow, sorry to hear about that. Not a good way to start the new year.

Hope they gave you your money back that you spent on that head.
Posted By: Diesel Dan Re: testing a head - 01/06/07 01:36 AM
New guy....old good!!!!

That new guy must not know anything about installing guides.
He better go back to digging holes.

Sorry about your cyl head.

Posted By: Twisted6 Re: testing a head - 01/06/07 11:44 AM
Sounds Like that he was useing a JACKHammer.OR was Really CLUELess as to what he was doing.I have never seen Or heard Of anyone doing that Before.
UNLESS that Head had Some REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyy bad core shift.CAN you get US some pictures Of this head??
But to me honestly sounds more like someone Really screwed up.Sorry to hear about your bad luck either way.
Posted By: Joe K Re: testing a head - 01/09/07 01:21 AM
Clueless is my opinion. I went and retrieved the hunk of cast iron that was a head so I could take pictures. That was interesting since Friday I dropped it on his desk and told him to where to put it. Have some very clear pictures of the holes they made. More than happy to share them, if I can figure out how to get them into a reply. Not much success yet - anyone with any computer advice for this site?
Posted By: Twisted6 Re: testing a head - 01/09/07 09:15 AM
Joe K
You can Email them to me. and I'll get them up for you.They must have been trying to install one heck of a OVER sized guide.In many cases what is known as a liner is just fine. These just mit be something else for me to add to my web site. Put them into a OPPSsssssssss section??
Posted By: G10-250 Re: testing a head - 01/09/07 03:43 PM
So what he didn't make it good with you?
Posted By: inline300 Re: testing a head - 01/09/07 07:51 PM
You can register at

Upload the pix from your desktop, copy the URL under the uploaded picture, paste the URL in your posts.

Posted By: Twisted6 Re: testing a head - 01/09/07 08:00 PM
I got the pictures I will try and have these up later tonite? If not They will be up tomarrow for sure. AND My personal Oppion is THEY MESSED UP.
The stock Valve guide boss has been removed and
They Managed TO GO STRAIGHT INTO the Water jacket.
WAIT till you guys See this YOU WON"T Beleive it.
Cool, are you going to post them here ,or on your website?

Posted By: Twisted6 Re: testing a head - 01/10/07 03:21 AM
Right here and they will be on my web site.
Sorry these are so Big,But I really wanted you to see just How messd up they are.
Thanks for the photos Joe What Head is this off of anyway?
Posted By: Joe K Re: testing a head - 01/10/07 12:42 PM
Larry - Thanks for getting the pictures posted.
This is pictures of a "848" head I was going to use on a 261 block.

I was so ****ed, that either out of good sense or fear, the owner paid me for the head.

Now, I'm either going to find another 848 head, or have the 261 head milled. Seems most people use a 848 head because it's easier than reworking a 261 head. Does anyone know any reasons that would make one better than the other?
Posted By: G10-250 Re: testing a head - 01/10/07 02:04 PM
Thats a big oops.

Good to hear he made it right with you.
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