Inliners International
Posted By: Xerxes Can I put hydraulic lifters in? - 08/11/07 11:43 PM
Hello folks:
I'm starting to work on/ modifying my Willys F-head 161....the old fashioned way. Make stuff myself, since nothing is made for it. But before I start, I'd like to know about converting to hydraulic lifters. From a theoretical perspective, can I (assuming I can find a correct size) replace solid lifters with hydraulic lifters? Where do they get their oil from?
It's a maintenance issue more than anything. The exhaust valves and lifters are behind the exhaust manifold and I really don't want to be taking it off on a regular basis to adjust the solid lifters.

Thank you:
Paul T
Posted By: 4onthefloor Re: Can I put hydraulic lifters in? - 08/12/07 10:58 PM
Hydraulic lifters get their oil from carefully designed and drilled oil passages that supply both the right volume and pressure of oil. You generally can't put them in a block that wasn't designed for them. As far as I know the Willys blocks never had hydraulic lifters.
Posted By: Xerxes Re: Can I put hydraulic lifters in? - 08/14/07 10:39 PM
Thanks guys. I appreciate the information and opinions.

Paul T
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