Inliners International
Posted By: BroDo 3 Spd to Powerglide - 11/04/05 02:27 PM
I'm thinking about puting a powerglide in my 50 3100. If I do, what do I need to do to get the correct linkage and column shifter? Can I use the same shifter from a car in my truck. Otherwise I imagine it will be tough to find an old truck with this shifter. Are there other options to modify the three speed tree shifter or are there any other options at all?
Posted By: novaconv Re: 3 Spd to Powerglide - 11/05/05 01:32 AM
Lokar and Kugal Komponents have cloumn shift linkage. I used Kugal on my TH350, works fine. Need to do a little bending to get it to fit correctly.
Posted By: John H. Meredith Re: 3 Spd to Powerglide - 11/05/05 01:15 PM
Anything can be made to fit anywhere.

Are you sure you want to use an automatic trans behind a 90Hp. engine??

Remember; the converter will 'eat up' 20Hp. and this is why they were only used in passenger cars.

A pickup truck, with any load at all will be "slow on the draw" everyday/everywhere, especially if you have hills to climb.

Your money & efforts could be better spent elsewhere.

Good luck. \:\)
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