Inliners International
Posted By: pinebluffdude Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 06/27/09 04:43 AM
I cleaned my Aluminum Bellhousing for my 4 speed with Degreaser then with Oven Cleaner. Now it has white spots like Oxidation.
I can clean that with a wire brush and elbow grease but then it comes back, what do I do?
Posted By: 67 Bowtie Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 06/27/09 07:20 AM
Without some type of protection bare aluminum will oxidize, clean and then clear coat, another option other then paint is having it coated, powder or a ceramic coating
Posted By: pinebluffdude Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 06/27/09 01:33 PM
What should I use to Clean the aluminum?
Is there anything I should look for at the parts store?
Posted By: gearhead Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 06/27/09 01:52 PM
sandblast it and coat it with Eastwoods Aluma Blast spray paint. Nobody will know its actually painted. Great stuff.

Otherwise, some hardware stores carry a "naval jelly" product that is supposed to clean up oxidation on aluminum. It's usually next to the silicone sealants, etc...
I believe you can use a wheel cleaner from Eagle 1 IIRC?

It is a mag wheel cleaner,works on oxidation,pitting etc.

It causes a chemicle reaction & you do not leave it on too long.

It will darken the aluminum if you leave it on too long.

I used this mag cleaner on my Webber DCOE carbs & it made them look much better than before.

Posted By: pinebluffdude Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 07/02/09 12:17 AM
I couldn't find any mag wheel cleaner that leaves a protective film. So I just cleaned it with a wire brush and then coated it with Vasoline. Then I let it set in the hot sun. Then I wiped off the excess.
Posted By: 67 Bowtie Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 07/03/09 08:06 AM
Glass bead to clean and depending on what you are trying to do, it can be cleared, powder coated, or ceramic coated and polished, both powder coating a ceramic coating have a variety of coating colors, ceramic can also be polished, not a high gloss, simular to a set of cermic coated headers. I just usually clean mine up as best possible with some type of degreaser and just paint it gloss black.
Posted By: pinebluffdude Re: Cleaning Aluminum Bellhousing - 07/03/09 09:27 AM
I am kinda strapped for cash. The truck is my work truck, since it has been down for maintenance, I have not been working.

I do Demolition of small buildings. The truck has a Granny Low 4 speed. I hook a chain to the building and go to Granny Low.
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