Inliners International
Posted By: Chevelle292Wagon Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/04/07 05:04 PM
Has this happened to anyone else?
I've been mocking up the Clifford headers, Offy 4 bbl intake, linkage & hoses, etc, on a 292 with a TH350.
It seems the forward set of pipes hit the intake runner before the flange is all the way up to the #2 and 3 exhaust ports.
The headers were big bucks with the Jet Hot coating so I really don't want to hack on them.
Seems it's the intake's heat passage that's touching the header tubes so I can do some carving on that. Not ideal. Maybe I'll have to use the Clifford intake after all.
Posted By: Twisted6 Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/04/07 06:50 PM
i never had a clearnce issue with headers and my Offey. The 292 pipes maybe a touch different??
By having more of a lead tube before they turn down?? I don't know for sure.
The manifold is pretty thick to grind away some material.
How bad do they hit?

Originally posted by Mean buzzen half dozen A.K.A. Hank:
The manifold is pretty thick to grind away some material.
How bad do they hit?

The 292 headers are a bit different than the other set I had on the 250.
Those cleared the manifold, but touched the crossmember!!

The 292 set needs about another 1/4" to line up with the exhaust port.
Looks like my reward for getting them to fit is the B&M shifter trans lever will hit the collector. Fun!
Posted By: tlowe #1716 Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/04/07 11:21 PM
i know what frustration you are going thru. it seems like everything i do that is supposed to be simple gets complicated. tom
Well, looks like you need to modify them & re Jet hot coat them,sorry to say.

There are other companies,that do the ceramic coating that is less $$$ than Jet Hot.

Just need to do some research to save $$$

Posted By: Twisted6 Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/05/07 08:16 AM
Have you thought about making a spacer for the intake runners? But Then you would have to make diferent clamps to hold everything to the Head and Maybe?? longger studs.Other thought would be to cut the Runners on the intake itself and make them lonnger.Or like you said Go to the clifford intake.
Originally posted by Twisted6 I.I #3220:
Have you thought about making a spacer for the intake runners? But Then you would have to make diferent clamps to hold everything to the Head and Maybe?? longger studs.Other thought would be to cut the Runners on the intake itself and make them lonnger.Or like you said Go to the clifford intake.
Yes, I did think it'd be pretty easy to make a set of spacers on a milling machine.
The clamps could be fixed too.
No milling machine here though. \:\(
I think I can grind off the edge of the intake manifold, removing only the exhaust passage, and not hit the actual intake runner.
(I wasn't going to use the heat anyway.)
I can get another Offy intake at a flea market a lot cheaper than if I booger up the headers so that'd be better.
I just finished making my kickdown linkage so if that works with the Clifford intake that'd be the way to go.
Sure hate to redo that linkage.
Posted By: Twisted6 Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/05/07 07:01 PM
How extra space do you think you will need??
I have a offey I can copy the flange from.Drop me a email if you would like.If you want to go that route rather then grinding off anything.
Originally posted by Twisted6 I.I #3220:
How extra space do you think you will need??
I have a offey I can copy the flange from.Drop me a email if you would like.If you want to go that route rather then grinding off anything.
Thanks for the offer Larry.
The spacers idea kind of bugs me because it seems like an opportunity for a vacuum leak(x3).
It looks like my Rube Goldberg kickdown linkage will transfer to the Clifford intake with minimal changes.
So the Offy is safe from surgery.
I should probably have been using the Clifford intake on a 292 anyway.
I'll see if I still think it's a good idea tomorrow when I've woke a bit more from a week of midnight shift.
Posted By: Twisted6 Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/05/07 09:42 PM
If nothing Else Have the Plate welded to the intake ,NO Leaks But first have the Stock Tabs(the clamps go onto) cut off.That/This way NO clamp Mods.

but no problem your call.Always better if you can do with out the mods. Makes life easier. \:\)
Posted By: border_line Re: Clifford headers hit Offy Intake? - 10/06/07 12:28 PM
I had the same problem with my Offy intake. However, I have a set of Hedman long tube headers. Same issue though.....
What I did was to grind down the bottom of the intake on the front portion where the header tube for #2 cylinder was hitting it. I would guess I took off just under 1/8" thickness about the size of a quarter, and I didn't grind into the part where the water runs (for a heated intake)I'm not using the water heat either. I also had to grind off a very small amount from the header flange at #5 cyl for the intake to mate flush on the head.
BTW: Where is Douglasville? I'm guessing somewhere near Reading?
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