Inliners International
Posted By: George Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 12:40 PM
I've telephoned, left a message, and also e-mailed. Haven't heard from him yet, and was wondering if he's still in business.
Posted By: russk Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 03:17 PM

I also sent Mike an email a couple of weeks ago and didn't get a reply. Once or twice in the past when I emailed Mike with a question, he was always quick to reply so I was a bit concerned as well. I sure hope he's well and still actively in business. With this terrible economy a lot of small businesses have closed their doors. I sure hope Sissell Automotive is NOT one of those as we in the inline community need all the tallented and experienced people we can get.

Posted By: CNC-Dude #5585 Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 03:59 PM
Out of the last 30 times i've called Kirby, he might have answered the phone twice. He will never return messages, but seems to still be pluggin' away at business.....maybe he's just that busy.
Posted By: Twisted6 Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 09:05 PM
You have never been so wrong before. He does answer messages!!
He has returned many of my calls past and present. But anyway Mike is one busy man,and his business is just more then just inlines so i think he will still be actively busy as always,Or close to it as he can be.For the way the economy is right now.
Posted By: $UM FUN Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 09:56 PM
As Larry put it Mike is a very busy man! He makes his living by working on all sorts of engines. He has ALWAYS returned my calls and has taken the time to answer my questions. CNC, yes he is that busy!!! He does not sit by the phone waiting for it to ring. He has forgotten more on inlines than anyone on this board will ever know. Tony
Posted By: CNC-Dude #5585 Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/03/09 10:47 PM
I know he is a busy guy, I hear both ends of this topic all the time. One, he is Johnny on the spot and always returns calls and emails, and the other side, as the first few posts have mentioned, having difficulty getting thru to him seem to be what I hear the most of lately. He did tell me back in the last part of this summer he was moving into another building, so he could still be having issues with that as well.
Posted By: George Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/04/09 12:52 PM
Mike answered my e-mail yesterday. Thankfully, he's still in business, and I'm going to give him some of my business.
 Originally Posted By: $UM FUN
He has forgotten more on inlines than anyone on this board will ever know. Tony

You know, I bet someone said this to Kirby while referring to Wayne Horning or Bill Fisher, or ..... While I truly respect the deeds of these icons of inline technology that, "anyone on this board will ever know" part is a bunch of crap, and is totally uncalled for! Them's fightin' words! We all know what we know, and we are trying to learn what they know, but don't even try and tell us that it is all known! Besides if they forgot it why would we even want to talk to them! There's NO FUN in that attitude.
Posted By: popper6 Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/05/09 01:29 AM
Posted By: russk Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/05/09 02:44 PM

I may be wrong but I’m guessing Tony’s comment was not intended to disparage anyone on the Inliners forum. Perhaps Tony might not have cast such a wide net to include "everyone". Heaven knows we have some really experienced and knowledgeable folks that contribute to the ongoing discussions every day.

For may part, having spoken to Mike on one or two occasions, I’m pretty sure he HAS forgotten more about performance engines (and specifically inline sixes) than I’ll ever know. That may not be saying much but it’s probably true enough.

Posted By: Randy S. Hager Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/08/09 10:04 AM
Also in defence of Mike.....In my line of business that I have been at for almost 36 years counting my Air Force time, I also have forgotten many things since then like....I have no idea anymore how things work on the F-4 Phantom or how a B-1B is put together or even the F/A-18C,D or the Super Hornet or the F-15 or C-17 or the Harrier or...ect. I don't work with these planes on a daily bases so YEA you WILL forget a lot of things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuf said. \:\) \:\) \:\) \:\) (yea, smile its all inline fun)

Randy S. Hager
Venus, TX
Posted By: russk Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/08/09 08:32 PM

It sounds as if over your long career, you worked on some of the real "nasty go fasty" aircraft. My dad (who is now 89 and lives with us) started his career during WWII as an engineer and did design work over his 43 years on some of the "best of the best" fighters and bombers. If I gave you a list, I'm sure you'd recognize just about every one of them.

But I mainly wanted to thank you for your service to our country. I know that's off topic but I don't think it can be said enough.

Posted By: Randy S. Hager Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/10/09 09:54 AM
Thanks Russ. I hope this Veterans Day we will all stop and thank a Vet and those that are still serving this great nation.

Someone gave so you can have it!

Randy S. Hager
Venus, TX
U.S Air Force Vet.
Posted By: popper6 Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 11/10/09 10:30 AM
A-MEN!!! GOD bless all who served and are serving. As commander of local legion post and our county legion commision I am proud to be a vet. 1 OL REDNECK
Posted By: StrangeRanger Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 01/12/10 11:22 PM
The web site I had bookmarked for Sissell's has been taken down. Is there a new one?
Posted By: GMCCORBETT Re: Is Mike Kirby still in business? - 01/13/10 12:17 AM
Mike Kirby's web site is down for the time being. You can call Mike at (626) 331-2727. If he does not answer the phone, leave a message and he will call you back.

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