Inliners International
Posted By: lowboygmc Portdeviders - 01/27/14 12:19 AM
Hey every one how are things? I haven't been on in a while my appologies!

Been busy and money has been low but now on the rise and so are the car parts

So what i am looking for if anyone has done it is some opinions or ideas on how to divide the j take ports for fuel injection alreading building a plennum maniold now that i am learning how to tig i will start putting it together soon

Any ideas or pictures and should i do it with or without the lumps lumps are installed already

Will be on a 292 .40 1.94in 1.6 valves mild port work and will be turboed

Thanks in advance every one and happy inlineing
Posted By: CNC-Dude #5585 Re: Portdeviders - 01/27/14 01:26 AM
Quit staying away so long, you miss a lot of the action.LOL
Its been done in the past by a lot of racers, it works good.
Tlowe did it on his El Camino and it made a huge difference in his injection setup. You might be able to find pics of it, it was about 4-5 years ago, but its an easy modification, and really the only way to eliminate the fuel robbing issues when doing that type of build.
Posted By: lowboygmc Re: Portdeviders - 01/27/14 08:46 AM
I was searching hos build history maybe i was looking to far back we shall see

And thats what i've been told so i would really like to put doviders in
Posted By: tlowe #1716 Re: Portdeviders - 01/27/14 11:51 AM
It is a good thing to do if turbo and port injected.
I went thru a couple renditions. One with the lump and one without.
Here is the thread.

I know of a few others that have done it with success.
Posted By: lowboygmc Re: Portdeviders - 01/27/14 01:24 PM
Sorry just brought your other thread back to the too with out checking this i'll continue on here
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