Inliners International
Posted By: Brad Hawkes 50 chevy steering wheel - 09/16/04 07:57 PM
I am trying to restore a 50 Chevy steering wheel. I have the wheel and some horn parts. I think I am missing some parts. What I need is an exploded view of the horn mechanism. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted By: don 1450 Re: 50 chevy steering wheel - 09/16/04 08:53 PM
One should look for this information in a Chevrolet Master Parts Book for the period. If someone near to you has one of these that you can see, that would be most useful. i have a 1929-1952 MPB, and also a 1933-1960. i'll see whether i can see anything helpful. If you're a member of VCCA, you might try contacting the technical advisor for your vehicle.

God's Peace to you.

Posted By: Brad Hawkes Re: 50 chevy steering wheel - 10/07/04 01:00 PM
I haven't made it to the library yet and I can't beleave that none of you 50 Chevy folks haven't disected a steering wheel with a working horn.
The way I see it is in this order starting at the column. 1) The horn ring. 2) The steering wheel with the screw insulators inserted in the wheel from the bottom up. 3)The contact button inserted in the wheel from the top down. 4) The large spring washer dropped into the wheel with the hump up (convex). 5) The insulating ring screwed to the horn ring with the three screws with the locking ring in place. 6) Did I miss anything? Springs? Anything?.....
Thanks, Brad
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