Inliners International
Posted By: Cabbie Windshield Wiper Cables - 04/18/07 01:39 AM
I know the winter season is ending, but I just found my wiper motor. I want to hook up the wipers, but cant find a cable diagram on the net. I have all the cables on the wiper clutches, and the drum that the attach to, but cant figure how they are run. Does anyone have a diagram or picture of how the stock set up was?
Posted By: Drew, II # 4211 Re: Windshield Wiper Cables - 04/18/07 08:16 AM
It's probably on this site. You'll have to search though.
Posted By: Cabbie Re: Windshield Wiper Cables - 04/18/07 04:03 PM
Thats the first place I looked. I cant find it anywhere.
Posted By: Cabbie Re: Windshield Wiper Cables - 04/18/07 04:05 PM
I should have mentioned this was for a 1954 Chevy 210, 2 door.
Posted By: Hoyt Re: Windshield Wiper Cables - 04/19/07 12:14 AM

Back in the late fifties I had a 1953 210, 2 door, and I remember spending the better part of an afternoon getting a new wiper transmission and cable assembly installed and adjusted after a cable broke. At that time, I had no manual, and it was all trial and error. The 1953 manual on tcomp seems to have a fairly comprehensive description of how to do it, along with a couple of pictures. From the 1953 Chevrolet shop manual

I assume that this should also be applicable to the 1954. Good luck!
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