Inliners International
Posted By: chevy-80 I need someone help - 05/06/07 08:50 AM
I found on Summit web site an adapter that convert from 1bbl to 2bbl for a certain type of carburetor, the guy there told me that what installed on my engine inline 292; the monoject is bigger than what should be installed on the adapter… I thank him for his support….

Can someone explain to me working mechanism of the carb and manifold, if I manage to customize an adapter that fit on a 4bbl carb on a stock 1bbl manifold would the carb. 4bbl Work?
Posted By: John H. Meredith Re: I need someone help - 05/06/07 09:05 AM
If you want to use a 4bbl carburator on your 292, you need a 4bbl manifold.

You can get one new and (used) on e-bay sometimes.

Good luck. \:\)
Posted By: LGriffin_#4385 Re: I need someone help - 05/06/07 10:58 AM
As John says you'd be better off saving for a 4bbl and manifold, for both performance and economy. The monojet is a good carb. The 1bbl adapter will get a 2bbl on the on the manifold, but you will still only have an opening made for half the carb. sells a kit with the adapter and a Holly/Weber progressive 2bbl for the 235. The H/W is half of 4bbl, with a primary and a secondary bbl. They do not recommend the kit for a 292, there is a 70 ci difference, and the carb is not big enough. You will be either on the throttle or off the throttle, or trying to find some place in between were the carb will work right, so I've been told. You maybe able to put a larger 2bbl on the adapter, but will not get the economy of a 4bbl. Have patience and shop around. I was lucky enough to find an Offy 4bbl manifold in the classifieds on this web site for less than Ebay. Hope that helps.

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