Inliners International
I'm trying to help a friend sort out what he needs to convert his 51 Chevrolet car with a three speed and closed drive to open drive. The car now has a 235 (or is supposed to) and the stock 51 bellhousing.

Can he use the stock bellhousing or does he have to swap to a later bellhousing or a pickup bellhousing as someone suggested to him?

He pretty well has the rest of it figured out but needs this info before he starts pulling it apart.
Many of the early 3 speeds with open tail shaft will fit his bell , including the 3speed O/D ( mid-fifties ) then several diffs will fit -- Nova, camaro and S-10 4X4. Look for 59" +/- @ axle flange . All have same bolt pattern as ' 51 front wheels . Hope this helps -- Fleet51
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