Inliners International

I need to replace the head gasket on my 251 dodge flathead.

I was wondering if there were any tips that would help me to save some time (I am already resolved about spending money, frustration, blood, sweat, and maybe some tears).

The engine is in my flat fender power wagon.


Thanks for the thought.

I was wondering about sources for the head gasket. Vintage Power Wagons lists one in their catalog. Napa used to have one but doesn't anymore. Any other vendors out there?

Here's three dealers that I have used in the past.

Terrill Machine Flathead Parts 254-893-2610 (TX)

Roberts Motor Parts Parts

Kanter Auto Parts

Andy Bernbaum Auto Parts Parts

Terrill Machine had good prices on certain engine parts.
Thanks for all of the input and advice.

I ordered a head gasket set from Napa, after quite a few calls and a visit there this evening we tracked it down.

Another quick question, how do you guys feel about shaving a couple of thousandths off of the head?

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