So I opted to use the 4:56 gears for this years nationals. They were used gears in very good condition out of a restored vette. Using used gears in these 55-64 chevy rears is always a crap shoot as to whether they make noise or not. Usually with me its always a sh#t show so I fully expected them to make some noise. Had a reasonably decent pattern, not perfect but decent enough. Lo and behold, no noises. Just the new clutches in the posi chattering a bit.

So I will report back when I get home from the nationals and post the trap speeds. I generally like to shift about 5500-5800 rpm. These 235/261 cranks cant really take a lot of rpm, notwithstanding that the head runs out air pretty quickly. We shall see what the rpms are.

Last edited by mdonohue05; 08/02/22 06:25 PM.