I'm making a nice modification. I'm getting vaccum from the intake manifold and from there I use it in three different things, so there is a big "T" pipe junction. One way out is for the vaccum advance of the distributor, another is for a vaccum gauge in dashboard and the other one is for water injection.
I think you can install needle valves - the ones that allow you to regulate the obstruction of the tubing - so you can adjust how much vaccum you want.
For distributor I adjusted the vaccum advance curve (very similar to a straight ramp curve) with the use of needle valve, tuning it with an eye in the timing pistol reading.
For the gauge, it's direct vaccum from the intake.
For the water injection I use a needle valve too, to control the amount of water/alcohool/oxygen injected in the base of the carb. I think it will work, but not sure about it. I'll run it when I got the extra tubing that is missing - I'll make it all using plastic and next I'll go to cooper tubing.
So, one idea is to use needle valves to regulate the amount of vaccum. I don't know, but there is a possibility if using big cams getting good vaccum at iddle but very high vaccum at high revs.
Am I crazy at all??? Someone just say if I'm thinking right or not, please.
Thanks a lot!

Inline power!