OK, here's a slightly belated reply to a second e-mail I sent to Classic Inlines on January 27, which apparently was the day the Bulletin Boards went south for a while (and by the way, thanks to Tim Tenold, our tireless webmaster for getting things working again). I was going to post it then, so now that the Boards are back up, I'll post it now. I asked him 3 questions and the replies I got from him immediately follow each question. Here's what it looks like:

1. In the pictures of the Ford intake manifolds, there are a couple of holes that look like they are for adding fittings for water heat to the manifold. Is that what they are, and is the Chevy manifold going to have a provision for water heat? YES/YES

2. Is the Chevy head going to be lump ported when you build it? To early to tell

3. Is it going to be a 12 port head or siamesed ports like the stock Chevy six heads? Definitely not siamesed.

So it looks like at least in the early stages, that this head is going to be good news for us. This guy has been getting some SERIOUS horsepower from the aluminum Ford heads he builds, so I'm hoping that the same thing will happen with his Chevy design when it hits the street.

Formerly known as 64NovaWagon.