
We can make a Fish-Club now...
... no wait - we call it Stovebolt Fish-Fry \:D

I also have 2 coming. (I want a dual setup on the 261)

I hope they flow and work the same, one of them is a later Brown version. But from the pics they look the same outside.

I hardly can`t wait for them to arrive over here.

If there is something interesting in the papers you got, would you be so kind and mail it to me?

I need any information I can get now for this setup.

Oh boy am I nervous to get em on the engine.

By the way, did you know that they made a 2 barrel version in England?


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Go to and uploade the pic from your computer. It gives you an URL (internet addres).

Than click the "image" button here in the form and enter the URL. done!

To old to die young.