This was at least a good yr ago plus when Mike kirby and i talked about that head so I honestly do not remember much about it sorry. But I can honestly tell you one thing from all the heads i have cut up and the Core shift i have seen on so many ,It's not the hard to hit water if your not careful. I had a head that was done buy a shop,
WAY back when.It had 1.8 Valves in it I debated for about 3mos to go ahead and step it up to the 1.94s And not knowning How much the Other guys took out of the ports back then Turned out TO BITE
Me in the end. I desided to go ahead and Get the
1.94s put in , Once i go tit back I KNEW i was going to be in trouble Because I could see The shift in the Valve pocket area.From One to the other BIG time. So knowing already It was to late
I figured what the Heck. I went and Put lay out die in the Ports Grabed a 120 grit roll and I no sooner touch the Port JUST Barely removing the Lay
out die I could see a PIN hole and Boy You talk about feeling sick. When all along my GUT was telling me NOT to step it up. But to say the very
Least You know where that head ended Up YEP in my
CUT-up learn me PILE.
SO one of the Biggest things I learned from that
is Never go against your gut feeling OR someone
else work. This is also why Mike Kirby will not
do a Brazin on any head that has already been Ported.Because you just never know How Much someone has already cut out of it.I went against
this rule one time There after On a Clifford head and I was NEVER so nerves in my life ,trying to clean up a Jack hammered Port to install a set of Lumps.All went fine But Never again will I touch
a head that has been Jack Hammer Ported again.
Even The seats In that head were On Tilt. And Before I touched that Head I sent the Guy who Owned it Photos of it Because He had NO clue,
but we/HE!! got lucky and it ws fixable.

[oooooo] smile
Adding CFM adds boost smile
shocked God doesn't like ugly.