hello....thanks for comment..and I wont go off on you, LOL....I actually respect you more than most here..you at least think about this.....I really thought MOST here would like the concept-I never thought I would be attacked sooooooooooooooooooooo Hard on trying to help...I had a WOW moment when i learned this!!!! I really thought most here would want to find a more HP with this concept-I see I was VERY wrong......so lets see,Clifford Performance is bashed, PES, Lee and NOW Tom Langdon-wow!!!!!!!!
well it would be nice if it were that easy, but unfortunately it isnt....the plate that is pressed in shaft has to be at a PRECISE place for optimum ignition timing...heck it will fire and there will be a spark no matter where it is-its just, how good do you want your engine to run?
all i can say is same thing over and over...yes there are many good questions, but what i have stated is truth.....