
Most all of the traffic laws are necesary to keep things safe/orderly. Imagine trying to park in a lot W/O any lines.

In the the last 10 years (or so) here, the State has been 'hard pressed' to ballance their budget. The same is true for Cities & Counties who constantly beg for money from the state and get a percentage of traffic fines.

For several decades + (state & local)law enforcement personnel have used a simple formula called the "enforcement index". This 'formula' says that for every fatal or injury collision there should be X # of moving violations written for a given area(s).

This was/is NOT a quota system but a means for police administrators to place their manpower correctly in the dangerous areas.

This always worked well until local Gov. started losing $$$ due to state budget cuts. In addition we had a Governor that over hired state employees and took from the Cities. To compensate for this the legislature began adding laws (non moving)to our Vehicle Code.

After the Recall Election we have a new Governor now & he is fixing what he can.

John M....

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon