Hi Guys

Finally home, just. The holiday was good. But the old girl didn't enjoy it so much. On the way up there she blew a head gasket at a place called Cann River. It was about 6pm on a Sunday night, but i was only about an hour from my destination. Up until that point she used 50lts of petrol for 450ks. So when i got up there i ripped the head off and cleaned up the chambers with the dremil, got a new head gasket sent up form Melbourne, and wacked it back on. Then on the way home again i was just out on Cann River the motor died. I pulled over to the side of the road and had a look around and a wire was smoking from the regulator cut off switch. The dirt roads must of loosened it up. So i stuffed around an pulled out the ignition and replaced the wire. Went to start it up again and the wire fired again. So i was 400ks from home and it was a 30k walk to the next town so i hot wired the just to get it home and swore that if it broke down again on the way home i would sell it(but i knew i was lying).
I also passed a 56 DeSoto ute on the way home, and i think we both had looks of 'what the' on our faces as we passed each other.
So now i will have another summer job of rewiring her as i think the cloth covered wires are well past there day. If anyone knows of a good rewiring kit, or info for these things drop us a line.
