Hi guys,

I'm on Time Warner RoadRunner(which is fast) and a very fast computer here in Southern Ohio. Here's what I saw this morning.

Inliners page came up quickly.
Bulletin board took 45 seconds to come up.
Bench racing took 30 seconds to come up.
After that, switching to other topics was faster than a week ago but not as fast as the previous board.

One suggestion might be this.
I'm not an IT person but have been having to be my own admin person for years. I believe that this new server has a problem with the old posts and history. Perhaps it is being routed through a slower processer or IT line. Can I sugget that we save all the posts 2 years and older on a different server and start with a cleaner file.
Having to work daily on a work station, any time your speed decreases by only 5%-10% people get nasty and start throwing things. I see it daily. Titen, if we can purge all posts 2 years and older (of couse we should save them) and see if that helps the speed problem, then we'll know that all that past load needs to be compacted and perhaps put in an "Archive" folder. I know we like to go back and look up stuff but if it's prohibiting keeping members online and getting new members, perhaps we can switch our system just to provide current (2-years) info to be accessed faster and older stuff worth the wait.
Just a suggestion.

1940 ChoppedChevyCoupe

Loud Pipes Saves Lives!