OK Guys, I know it's slow and I am working on ways to get it up to speed. I am spending a lot of time on this problem, and it's getting pretty frustrating, so posting about how slow it is every few hours doesn't help anything.

The latest answer I got from tech support, which finally sounds like it might make sense and show a little honesty, is that they are overwhelmed with their upgrade and the transition to new servers is going slower than anticipated. They host something like 350,000 accounts.

According to the web stats, our little web site has had over 5000 unique visitors, and used over 3GB of bandwidth already this month. Because they have been a good host in the past I am going to give them a while longer to complete the transition, besides, it is a real PITA to change hosts and redo all the web stuff.

So, let's see what happens with the BB speed issue in the next couple of weeks, I have a lot of updating to do on the rest of the site. Feel free to ask me any questions, except maybe 'why is the BB so slow?'.

Thanks, Tim

Tim Tenold