Vic Edelbrock is not the only company we have spoke with about our L6 head. BUT like i said the Bottom line is all about money.
And we as inline guys,( A VERY Small hand full) The Money Market!! is just not THERE for them.And So they have no interest.
This whole head topic came up sometime ago. So why are we back
at it once again?? really another DEAD topic.

You just can't beat a dead horse to death He's already Dead.
If one is not wanting to spend over 2000.for a good flowing cast
head that same person is not about to spend well over 4000.for a
Alum head.So Unless someone out there is going to take the time
AND THIER money to put a good HIGH flowing on the market for the
cost of a set of SB heads ( WHICH will never happin I don't think) then that person or persons has more money then they know what to do with and Just mit be crazier then most of US ( lol )

I like many others have seen what the Inline market is like.
VERY SMALL. And it will become smaller yet as the Bone yards
keep crushing everything.

[oooooo] smile
Adding CFM adds boost smile
shocked God doesn't like ugly.