Originally Posted By: panic
the heat feature

I know what it does, but how does it work on the Fenton?
Does it actually transfer exhaust gas to a chamber under the plenum, or just heat by conduction?
I've seen (old & dim) photos with a single connection between exhaust and intake, but it struck me that it won't do much if it's a dead end - I didn't see any way for the gas to circulate?
Jumping ahead: it can't just escape after passing through the intake chamber, and it won't flow back into the exhaust manifold unless you pick 2 spots on the exhaust with different levels of pressure.
A complicated thought: if the gas exits the front pipe, passes through a chamber below the plenum, and enters the rear pipe, the firing order at idle and low speed will give a slight pressure differential (the gas will flow back and forth as each pipe is "hot"). As speed increases the pulses will overlap and gas transfer through the intake will stop.

It works just like the stove pipe works to the auto choke on the earlier 235's

I.I. #1475