The M90 on ebay has to be the best deal of the century! If I weren't so far along it would have been my first choice.

I took an M90 from a Mustang and installed the longer GM snout, then built an adapter to mount it to a Clifford 4 barrel intake manifold. The openings are almost dead on. Still need to machine the bypass and build a heated connection section. That way as your in cruzin mode without boost, the mixture will have carb heat and when boosted it will be cold. For something different, I'm using 3 Harley constant velocity carbs they are altitude compensating and each will support one hundred hp. Getting the snout longer has been my main question mark. I did look at the Magnuson site and have a copy of their catalog coming but I would prefer to keep it homegrown and cheap, old school. It will go on the 230 in my '41 pickup.