These are full tilt NHRA Competition Eliminator engines, and would in no way could be street driven. They have ultra-high compression and insanely large camshaft lifts,and naturally, ported "lump" head to the max, but the potential for these engines to have that sort of output with factory head and blocks and crankshafts is able to be done with relative streetable HP in a detuned state and is also within reach. Especially if you were to use the Kirby style 12 port head, which is by far, many levels above the siamese head. In a recent Hot Rod magazine article, Kirby had a 450 HP street driven 250 featured in the article with one of his 12 port heads on it. I think your underestimating the potential with what you have to start with. Don't get me wrong, I definately would like to encourage your forging ahead into uncharted territory, because that what I do also, but again if you don't end up with something that is better than what is currently available can produce, then thats a lot of work for not much gain, I think. Keep approaching it in the same way you are so you can evaluate it, and im sure you will come up with something promising and leading edge.

Class III CNC Machinist/Programmer