From reading the thread on the 848 head, that's kinda where I'm thinking the work will lead to. I.e.-trying to radius the front edge of the tee intersection and like Tlowe stated, maybe doing some kind of lump or ridge on the back wall to help bisect the flow to each side, and to possibly help with reversion. Although I suspect that the lips or dams are doing some of that now. And just chopping them off for the sake of outright flow may unleash a whole slew of reversion/dilution problems. Maybe a staggered valve timing cam ala Headrick will help offset that?

But then that brings it back to the cost/benefit ratio. Anyone know what an approx cost for a staggered timing cam would be over a regular custom grind? Can you even find a grinder willing to go to those lengths for such an oddball engine? My last name doesn't sound anything like Crower or Sissel or Kirby \:\)

Since I'm looking for low-mid power anyways, wouldn't the short(er) cam timing negate some of these potential problems without the need for a custom timed cam ? If I kept the lobe centerline fairly wide for the duration I could potentially sidestep some problems, no?

I'm not trying to overthink this (ha!), but my thought process is with a little more attention and thought put into the engine combo, I can have something quite a bit better than stock without getting radical in the expense end of it.

I have enough of those projects already.