It is amazing that so many people can make so much good use of this BB in-spite of your obstructions and needless interventions. What is wrong with someone asking for help? Tom only asked for the loan of a part to be used in the testing that many of the members here are helping support. We want to see the results of Tom's tests much more than we want to see your nit-picking. Which section of the classifieds would best serve his needs, the "Parts to Loan" section or the "Parts to Borrow " section? If you choose not to be a part of these tests go sit on the porch. We don't need you barking at us as we pass your yard. Please ask your keeper to close the gate because we are also tired of stepping over the little piles you leave in the middle of our communications. The sum of your 2 cents is adding up to a total annoyance. You have been sniping at this project from the beginning and seem bent on picking a fight and abusing monitorial authority as often as you can. When you say your prayers tonight give thanks that Orlando is so far from here. To answer your initial question, I feel fine. Thanks for your sincere concern. Beater

"I wonder if God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey?" Mark Twain