When I built my Chevelle back in the mid '70's, I used Clifford long tube headers with 2 1/2" collectors, then had a muffler shop weld up a pair of 2 1/2" pipes with flanges on them to bolt to the header collectors, and then a pair of Cherry Bomb glass packs bolted to the 2 1/2" extension pipes, and 2" exhaust pipes welded to the tail end of the Cherry Bombs that exited just in front of the left rear tire. The sound was mellow, but still loud enough to be pleasing to me, but not so much that it attracted unwelcome attention from cops or neighbors. If any of you out there are old enough to remember what the exhaust note of an Austin-Healey 3000 sounded like, that's exactly what my Chevelle sounded like too. In fact, I had a couple of Healey drivers give me very strange looks at stoplights, which tickled me to no end. I'm going to duplicate that exhause system on the Nova when it gets to that point.

Formerly known as 64NovaWagon.