Not about you, so just ignore this?

Oddly enough, every person I know socially that actually admits using a cell while driving is careful to assure me that "I only use it for emergencies", "I need it for work", "I'm very careful", and in general simply don't get it.
The current laws which permit hand-free, etc. are the result of bribes and coercion by the phone companies to the legislatures, since it isn't what your little fingers are doing, but what your tiny brain is not doing: paying atten.. oh my G_d where did that truck come from!!!.
Eventually, some Senator's little girl will be killed by someone talking on a cell, and the new legislation will begin with mandatory jail sentences for driving with a live phone, period, since when it rings every single cell user picks it up to see who it is regardless of whether they take the call or not.
The technology already exists to detect when a cell is on, regardless of whether there is a call in progress. Once the legislature understands the public's concern, the next step is to permit the defendant's personal assets to be seized before any insurance kicks in: talk on a cell + personal injury = bankruptcy.

Why don't we have laws against other distractions, such as applying nail polish, eating, reading a map (equally destructive)?
1. they're harder to detect, and impossible to prove (cell phones have records)
2. only a cell phone demands your attention, the others are passive