Hi I am turbo charging a 292 for my lobsterboat here in Maine. I have all of plumbing done, I am not sure about carburation, I have a rochester 1 bbl, can get bigger jets, but can it handle boost pressure? I will start with 8 lbs of boost and go from there, what carb did you end using? You really seem to know what you are doing here! I am using a garett turbo from a 80's saab. In addition my engine will be under constant boost being a marine application it is like driving up hill all day. How do you think this affect my set up? I also found a great site dawesdevices.com they have a great inexpensive way to monitior your fuel air ratio, check it out. I am not ver computer savy and proberly won't be able to read your response, if you can e mail me hodgdonbrett@yahoo.com that would be swell! Thanks.