Yes, it's me.
This started out as just a carb shootout for a few carbs I was rebuilding, and the Clifford intake was all I had. Then Tom offered the Offy intake as a loaner and the shootout expanded.

I did not find one intake or the other more sensitive to jetting, etc - both gave a wide range of times depending on which carb was on top - even carbs of the same basic model (about half a dozen different Autolite 4100s, all 500cfm, all stock or near stock jetting, but as much as 0.4 sec and 3mph diff in the 1/8 mile!)

As far as driveability, in both cases I had the intakes bolted to the stock iron exhaust, but a plate in between for a bit less heat convection. The Clifford is slower to warm up and puddles gas in the intake on those chilly (50F) California mornings. That problem would get even worse on a brisk 10-below Michigan morning. I drove v8's with blocked heat crossovers in the Michigan winters and it was similar to warming up the Clifford from 40F or so out here.

That said, once warmed up, both intakes are very driveable, at least with this stock cam I can't tell the diff on that part (Warm, that is). \:\)

"How about top gear roll ons,,, from low to high rpm,any testing
For example,going 35 MPH,, 2nd gear,no downshifting into 1st & go to 60 MPH,,,see how long it would take."

On your question, since the 250 testing is done, all I could do is dig thru some of the Gtech data to answer it. I was able to compare, not top gear but 1st (1.82) gear over the 2300-3200rpm interval. See the two page excerpts below from the writeup I have started. I hope they answer your question, with the Offy showing a 2.9% advantage in that range.

The excerpts (2300-3200), and tlowe's dyno tests, and your own experience, all seem to be consistent with the statement that the Offy tends to be better below 3000-3500, and the Clifford better above that.

But then there is one more mystery -
I looked at the 60ft data for the same carbs/intakes in Table 1.
2.615 average
2.580 best
2.710 worst

2.654 average
2.574 best
2.883 worst

So the Clifford beat the Offy in 60ft?!
Admittedly some luck is involved since the launch is kind of subjective - you can't just stomp on the pedal, so technique clouds those results unlike the 2300-3200 interval which is a pretty clean comparison.

More fun to be had!