In high school I never met a flathead I couldn't beat with my 261, but in 1963 we only had about four of them at our school, one guy had a '39,there was '50 with o/d and a '52 with 2-97's and one guy ...well we never had enough gas or time or guts to run one another (for reputation sake), but in a race between his 268 inch '49 fffford and a (back then before calculators and PI was only 3.14 on a piece of notebook paper) 301 inch '57 rag top chevy(cam was timed wrong) which I was behind and I was the starter (go on the third honk) the flattie pulled away from the chevy so bad that I had room to pass the doggy 301 chevy and went after the flattie (could not make up the carlenght spot). The 301 really had poop on his face as he was beat by a flattie and a stovebolt in the same race- you dont brag that at the local hangout too much-but we sure did!

The flattie was a friend of mine but we didn't hang out together too much - and at a car gathering 45 years later it was slipped that the flattie was a 286 inch that found water when he tried to make it a 296 incher!

Well, aint that something? But we sure had the last laugh 'cause when you take PI out far enough with today's calculators, my 269 inch stovebolt was actually a 270, and the 301 was actually a 302 and you know how bad both of them are.

As a further insult to the flatmotors, you know us chevy guys have always had to step in and help the ford guys keep up thru the ages - Louis chevrolet, and his brothers, designed the Frontenac head conversion for the four banger T-models, as Zora and his brother made the Ardun head for the V8 guys - and even ol' Henry finally saw the light and went OHV in '54 like all them stovebolts were for so many years (copied them right down to the loud lifter noise - remember the '57 ford 272/292/312's "CLACK/CLACK/CLACK").

Call the next liar up!

Last edited by edski; 03/21/11 03:22 AM. Reason: bigger lie