Yes - first is where reverse was. The linkage required a little bit of guess and check with the clutch linkage, brake lines and exhaust all crowding for the same area, but it works out fine and I am pretty happy with it.

Here is a shot after I got it all working but before things got too crowded with the rest of the stuff that goes here.

One of the shifter arms needed to be cut to make room for the intake manifold - which required that I then weld up one of the holes in the newly made bellcranks and redrill to make the throws for 1-2 match the throws for 3-4

Here is what it looks like with everything in place . . .

The reverse linkage was done with a bit of a rube-goldberg approach, but it works well. I used the same linkage design that is used in a lot of automatics with a jack shaft carried between the tranny and the frame. I just turned the threads off of a couple of grade 8 bolts in the lathe and fitted a piece of pipe over them with nylon bushings - the short piece of red rubber hose absorbs any compression from the tranny moving around due to torque.

Last edited by Ken; 04/03/11 01:54 AM.