I dont think U want those L2396F pistons with all the $$$/time invested in your motor already. Agree that they would weaken the rings, but also they offer almost no quench area.

I would suggest either the L2314F pistons or the ones on Tom's website noted here. Either of those plus a near zero deck will give nice quench.

I ran your engine thru the Gonkulator and it computed to
With the L2396F's
CR 9.1
Torq 276 at 4500
Powr 296 at 6200

With the L2314F's (Toms similar)
CR 10.0
Torq 296 at 4500
Same octane requirement as above due to better quench.
Powr 311 at 6100

I would guess the L2396F (mid-late 70s) was cut that way for smog, so it has less ring crevice and less quench too. Not good for performance or octane behavior.