A wise man told me, many years ago, "The more you do to it, the more you see needs to be done. Every improvement will make something else look worse than it did before." i have found this to be true in every case.

Some of us long for perfection, but never arrive at it, and finally retreat in frustration. For others, the journey is the main thing; "something more to do" keeps them going, year after year. The labour and the learning are not futile, but a pleasure in themselves. So it is here, with our many projects. A real hot rod is never "finished."

The paint looks like a mirror in the pictures, Rap, better than ever . . . yet i'm sure that you know where every chip is.

Bring it to the North Central picnic in Columbus! My freshly painted truck hopes to be there.

God's Peace to you.

Inliner #1450