Originally Posted By: Beater of the Pack
That is what I was whining about.

Don't whine about it just buy the software. It's $11.95, don't skimp out, cut back on your beer for a day LOL & buy the software.

I have saved a lot of money with this type of software, there are a lot of people that do not have this & guys that keep bidding back & forth from day 1 on a auction are & usually do not get a great deal. two cents thrown.

I will put in my proxy bid, something I am willing to pay for an item, say $100.00, say no body bids on the item except for the last few seconds of an auction, say they bid $80, I set my software to bid 2 seconds before the auction ends, remember, my proxy bid is $100, so if that person bids $80 3 seconds before the auction ends, my computer bids $81 & I would win the auction for 81 dollars, not the $100 that was my proxy bid.
Hope that makes sense & hope some of you now know how this software works.


12 port SDS EFI