Thanks for all the interest and information. Beater you are right this is an information gathering exercise to say the least but the project will be underway fairly soon, hopefully. I will check out Schneider cams to see what they can do for me. I have an Edmunds 2X2 intake that will either accept factory Carters or a 2G style carb still deciding on which I will use but I have both on hand. The ignition option is very limited so far stock points, Pertronix electronic conversion, or Joe Hunt says they may be able to make a mag for me. I have heard that about the wide open red line of the Packard L8 is around 4,000 rpm but that could be scared guys talking (anyone have an idea on L8 RPM potential?), however I know it will likely never see the far side of 5,000 rpm. This project is really making me go back to the basics on how to make power out of an engine.