I remember the 321/346hp gmc threads:
Ron Golden 346hp GMC 321cid

Trying to find any others?

Cant recall a 302gmc/250hp dyno thread, might have missed it?

I must have missed the Hot Rod Delux 235/150hp article (any hints? Issue date? test details?)
Most of what I have on the stovebolt dyno is way back from the 50s, a lot of the tests run with muffler[s] stuffed on the end, etc.

However, the Gonkulator does rate the 235/"140" at about 130hp SAE gross (more like FTF's B scale)

x2 on that!
Your comments are why I began to write the DeuceCoupe / WerbyFord Gonkulator back in the 1970s.
Ratings got so crazy by the late 60s, some UNDERrated but most overrated, you couldnt compare anything to anything based on the "ratings". The ratings these days "jive" a lot better.

I found some data from back when Tom Lowe did the 292 and 250 dyno series. The "Nova Six" with a 1.94 valve (either lump or nolump) does not flatten out at .400 lift. It tapers off but keeps right on gaining up to .600 lift, at least on the intake side.

Yes, Crane went bankrupt for a while there but now they are back.
Wow, this thread is up to 3 engine families.