I believe that 1. Crower camsaver HYD lifters. 2.I allready have valve springs that are in the process of getting measured if they don't work out because they are too strong I will use sbc stock or Z28 springs. 3.Max rpm will not be high enough to cause problems.(4800-5000) 4.X2 big time! I also have more info to share. Got a responce from Kevin at Schneider and the specs are:Part 02527 252-56H IN 252@ .006, 198@.050 ,166 @.100 100@.200.
EX 256@ .006 ,204@.050,172@100,105@.200 Cam lift IN .265/EX.268. The reason this is different than what is published on their website is these were ACTUAL measurements taken from the master. I see why evervone has such good things to say about Schneider! Jay