Hank you may have overstated my testing a little bit-
In what I did, it was too close to call between the Offy and the Clifford - GTECH clock times were much more sensitive to the carb than the intake. The Clifford even won a few of the 60ft times.

For living in WV, unless we can get Al Gore to bring back Global Warming, it gets kinda cold there. I DID find the Offy to have better cold driveability - and that was here in Cali where a "cold" morning means 40F or so. Then again both my intakes were unheated.

And regarding port velocity, you are right but I suspect it may not have mattered in my case. With the stock cam, "ram tuning" is pretty much zilch, so the engine might not have cared so much about port velocity, good or bad, it wasn't going to have the valves open long enough to use it.

With a bigger cam, ironically the smaller offy ports might work better in the "mid-build" range, where ram tuning matters but you haven't run out of port size yet.

Bigger still and the Clifford likely wins out.

I think I commented at the time, if I found both intakes at a swap meet for a good deal, I'd buy em both but if could only afford one, I'd buy whichever one was cheaper- for a warm climate that is.

But for a WV driver, a heated intake would be a must and I'd favor the offy.

The "offy vs Clifford" has been one of the more lively discussions here, at least it keeps folks awake!