Not to belabor the point, but I will. Piston #1 is at TDC in the picture. I just got lucky with that photo because I was checking out whether or not the cam was installed a notch or two off and left it at TDC. CAM was fine. We measured at TDC with a feeler gauge just under 0.025", maybe more like 0.0237 or something like that. The stock piston sits below the deck a tad.

I'm sure somebody could do the math, but I use it for entertainment purpose, as I intended in this posting. It makes for a good ice breaker too when you meet another car guy. "You wouldn't believe what this mechanic did to the car. blah blah blah". We all love to commiserate about awful machine shop experiences. Just like ghost stories around a campfire. :-)

My engine is now built nicely, able to deliver well above the 130HP or 140HP that was original. How sweet it is.


'67 Camaro L6-250