Originally Posted By: TraditionalToolworks
......That reminded me that out along 395 between Lee Vining and Mammoth I had my 911 Targa with the pedal to the metal pegged on 135 mph. 3 of us were out on a drive to Mammoth. We were flying past people doing 80 like they were standing still. That's probably the fastest I've driven any of my cars. The spec sheet on my car says 145 mph, but I had the top off and that may have had some to do with it........

I've done that in a BMW on I-5 back in 2001, never would consider going that fast up around Mammoth. You're very lucky that a deer didn't jump out in front or that a CHP didn't see you. It is exhilarating to go that fast. That BMW felt like it was doing 80. Even though it was only a couple miles, when I got back to normal cruising speed I felt blessed that a CHP didn't see me going that fast.

292 1966; 3962084 T6G2 Lumped 250 Head 1.94/1.60 gasket matched, mildly ported. LOWEBOY