Now Now Beater in all fairness there were some extenuating circumstances here.

We are cutting teeth on the automated payment part of joining/returning/renewing with PayPal. Some of the member accounts got bollocks' up when they went through this new machinery. This is why I was unable to verify your status as a club member initially (the payment wasn't attached your membership record). Same with some of the folks who went through the machinery in the fall. They did not show up as members in good standing so they got skipped when 12PN mailing label run took place. This is being addressed by the follow up mailings.

Moreover, we are in transition right now. We have a new membership chair who is handling the bulk of the manual activities. Meanwhile I am working with the outgoing chair (and the back office folks at Imembers) to get the automated aspects to settle down.

Patience will be most appreciated.

best regards,