Traditional Toolworks,
I have been following along on this. What exactly needs to be configured with the new software? Do you have direct knowledge or do you just want to look at what is available? The forum is easy to post on and now we have the ability to post pictures. What is missing? The only thing I see missing is more new content. So we all need to invite our Inline friends over to here. I posted on FB about this forum being the greatest data collection of inline stuff ever.

You had mentioned how nothing was asked or discussed with the community. That is not true. We have be asking for ability to post pictures for ages. We asked to not lose data. Now both have been met. What would be the "correct function" you are referring to?

Not trying to be mean, just trying to figure out what you so dislike about our forum. I find it very functional.

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
Information and parts