Originally Posted by tlowe #1716
Traditional Toolworks,
I have been following along on this. What exactly needs to be configured with the new software? Do you have direct knowledge or do you just want to look at what is available?
Yes, and no. I have configured forums software in the past, but not with UBB Threads, but I understand how the forums work and had PHPbbs running on one of my home servers for a while, and I know very well about communities. I have run user groups for Microsoft, IBM and Sun Microsystems. I have also been involved in open source since the early part of my career, 35+ years ago. Not bragging or patting myself on the back, just showing you that yes, I do have some direct knowledge on these types of issues. FWIW, I bailed out the USA Table Tennis site in the past and upgraded and configured their forums for them. Ok, the USA is not big in Table Tennis, but it is an Olympic sport.

Originally Posted by tlowe #1716
The forum is easy to post on and now we have the ability to post pictures. What is missing? The only thing I see missing is more new content. So we all need to invite our Inline friends over to here. I posted on FB about this forum being the greatest data collection of inline stuff ever.
That sounds pretty easy, I'll sit back and watch the community thrive with the new software. But as I have pointed out, there's a bit more to this community 'thang, it's just a bit more complicated than that, the new software is a start. Finally it will allow people to post pics and resize on the fly, a huge step.

Originally Posted by tlowe #1716
You had mentioned how nothing was asked or discussed with the community. That is not true. We have be asking for ability to post pictures for ages. We asked to not lose data. Now both have been met. What would be the "correct function" you are referring to?
That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about discussing changes that are being done and/or how they are done. Nobody was asked what they did or didn't like, changes were made. This is not the way to embrace the community. Yes, people have been clamoring to be able to post pics, let's see how many do it. I'm just a firm believer that software does not make a community in and of itself. If it was that easy, we'd see a lot more communities.

Originally Posted by tlowe #1716
Not trying to be mean, just trying to figure out what you so dislike about our forum. I find it very functional.
Sure, I've been kicking and screaming to get the software upgraded for at least 3 months. It is the first step of many. If you want this community to thrive, however it's not fixing things to get uploads resizing, there is much more work to do. The forum looks entirely different now, which is all fixable, but how long will it take?

I have offered my help, but there's a reluctance to accept it. I normally get paid pretty big $$$s to do this type of work for people, I had previously offered to help the Inliners for free. That has gone on deaf ears, so I'm just gonna sit back and watch how things evolve and just keep my comments to myself.

You may think everything will snowball with the new software upgrade, well, show me. wink

FWIW, I have posted replies to your thread and you haven't answered or even commented. That wouldn't happen in a strong community, my $0.02. In the best world you would have replied or at least made a comment. This shows the weakness of this community, IMO.

Keroppi - 1946 Chevy 1/2 Ton Pickup