Dear Mike;

I know, Its "beyond stupid" the BS they can come up with.

A few years back there was a big controversy here over lighting home (outdoor) cooking systems, commonly know as the barbecue or BBQ.

It seems that "BBQ starter" (lighting fluid) is akin to kerosene/diesel fuel AKA 'coal oil' in the old days, causes a black smoke when the fire is first lit.


This caused regulations creating a device that mixed the birquets and old newspapers for lighting puropses.

This was greatly accepted my most men as they could drink an extra beer during the fire starting process.

The joke around was: to not to get caught with lighter fluid as it was now a "controled substance."


After a while the regulations were voided and BBQs went "back to normal".....

The moral of the story being: that breauacrats will do almost anything, to justify their existance.

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon