No doubt that timeline is criminal strummin67 . . .

But so much comes down to ignorance. They used to use lead pipe for drinking water in the 1800s! The informed new it was no good for humans but no one bothered to remind the masses, and since lead pipe was easy to make, install and therefore the cheapest they just kept selling it and people kept buying it.

And sometimes it seems like a pendulum swinging from informed back to ignorant. When lead pipe was replaced with iron and galvi because it was 'safe' everyone seemed to forget about lead. When copper tube started to replace threaded pipe everyone seemed to forget that solder contained lead! And once again we had lead in drinking water because sweated copper was cheaper then fitted pipe . . . Now we have lead free alloys for solder - but why didn't we from the get go? Cause it was cheaper to use what was at hand.

In the end it comes down to consumers becoming informed on their own because we cannot not expect business to educate . . . they have no track record for it.

But I am way off topic here . . . this ain't Bench Racing . . .

[Linked Image from]