cool big bill, sounds like a cool project.

as far as, single or dual turbos, ideally, you go with a turbo thats application speicific, then it will do what you want it to do, it takes a little to understand turbo sizing or it did for me.

a good internet source to learn about turbos would be I believe "", look in the knowledge base, alotta information, it began as a mustang site but they have other make sections, shouldnt be hard to find something on a turbo 2.3. there are a few good books out there as well. Is this a ford 2.3 your talking about? They can be impressive under boost.

By the way it has a 5 speed so it isn't limited by a stall speed.
you want a load on the engine to spool up the turbos.

I wanna see pix of this roadster build up. \:\)

good luck