There are also some tell tale signs such as more than usual vibration and trouble with accessories. As the rubber becomes brittle it becomes less effective at doing its job of absorbing vibration, as well being more susceptible to slippage. Before mine slipped I had a water pump and alternator go bad, and the wires on my alternator vibrated so much that they broke at the connectors. I didn't know the cause (at least I assume it was the cause) at the time or I would've looked into replacing mine. Of course, I'm having a hard time doing that now!

I think I'm going to go with Dale Manufacturing for a rebuild. He started out doing Corvair dampers and has a good rep. with Corvair fanciers. I like the thought of using the more massive 3-groove damper, but I'm getting conflicting opinions on whether or not it's feasible.

Michael Cady
64 Chevy Burb W/292

Atlanta, Ga
64 Chevy Burb W/292